Group Healing Circle Chester


THURSDAY 19th SEPTEMBER, 7.00pm to approx 8.30pm – FULLY BOOKED


Group Meet Ups run in or near to Upton-by-Chester, UK, venue tbc closer to the date.  We will meet just after the powerful full moon most months.

WHAT TO EXPECT: Setting sacred space, setting our intentions, we will go on a guided healing meditation journey, followed by each person receiving a 1-1 Healing activation for a few minutes, as I go around the circle.  These group sessions will help you to release what no longer serves you in that moment and assist in raising your energy vibration to be in better flow, with increased clarity, calm and inner peace. These group healings are for those wanting to connect with like minded souls, those already on their spiritual / self healing journey, or those newly embarking on it.

WHAT TO BRING: Please bring a small cosy blanket with you and a cold drink or a flask of something warm, as the last 20 minutes or so we can chat amongst ourselves if you’d like, of course if you have to leave promptly then please do so.


BOOK TODAY & RESERVE YOUR PLACE: Come and be around like minded people in a safe sacred space where we can meditate, re-connect, release, heal & grow.

Benefits of a guided healing Meditation

  • Reduces levels of stress and anxiety
  • Encourages deep relaxation so the body can go into self-healing mode
  • Promotes feelings of inner peace and promotes deep sleep
  • Enhances creativity and clarity
  • Helps to release & balance emotions
  • Can help to reduce physical pain and boost the immune system
  • Focuses the mind and increases concentration
  • Can help to lower blood pressure and increase the blood flow to the brain
  • Helps to calm the mind and overthinking
  • Can help you to connect you to your intuition, higher / inner self / your I AM presence, your guides
  • Gives your energy a reset which benefits you and those around you
  • My guided healing meditations will bring in healing energies from Mother Earth, the Angels, from universal life force energies / Reiki and light frequencies, codes and activations through me as the channel and through you with your powerful will, intention, visualization & group field and will help you to raise your energy vibration to help you feel more vibrant, calm, in flow & balanced


Book here today, payment is by card or bank transfer. Once payment is made you will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours with confirmation/further details. No refunds are available once payment is made, however if you give at least 48 hours notice of non-attendance, you will be forwarded onto a future group healing with availability.

Quantum Reiki Therapies (0044) 7717 194402   |    Email
